FamType may be
USERDEF: User defined families.
FTDEF: FastTrack-defined Mutual Fund Families
FastTrack defined Stock Families
Sym is a 1-5 letter ticker symbol as defined within FastTrack.
Syntax: [form!]FamiRead.Rebuild
[ = {True
| False}
When your program adds, deletes, renames any family, or a FamDesc changed, set this
value to True in your program. Subsequent FastTrack Family DLL methods that require a
current family list or description will invoke the ReBuildIX
method when the ReBuild property is true.
DO NOT confuse this property with the similarly named method ReBuildIX.
Syntax: Private Sub FamiRead_FamilyChange ()
The control evokes this event in the calling program when an action adds or deletes a
family. This event also fires, when a family is saved AND its description is changed.
For example, when this event fires within the FastTrack Charting Family Tree, the
visual Family Tree is refreshed.
Syntax: Return& = [form!]FamiRead.DeleteFamily
(Byval FamName As String)
Only user defined families can be deleted. Actually,
when each family is "deleted" it is renamed to
prior UNDO_DELETE family is actually deleted.
The method returns
- 0 on success,
- -1 if family does not exist
- -2 if family is a FastTrack defined family that cannot be deleted. Only families in the
folder can be deleted.
This method sets the Rebuild property to True.
Syntax: Return
= [form!]FamiRead.Exists
( Byval FamName As String )
The method returns a Boolean value.
- True If the FamName
exists. However, there is no
validity check at this point. The family may contain no members or be
- False The family file is not found anywhere.
Commonly, you will use this function in an
IF statement with the syntax,
IF Form1.FamiRead.Exists("FIDELITY") then . . .
Syntax: Return&
= [form!]FamiRead.GetFamInSeq
(Byval I
As Integer,
As String, optional FamDesc
As String, optional FamType
This method returns FamName, FamDesc, and FamType for every
family, one at a time. You have no control over the sequence in which the families are
returned. To use this method, keep incrementing I until the method returns a -1. I
does not necessarily stay the same for a particular family. When you add or delete
families, I will refer to a different family.
- Return& = 0 when the function is successful.
- Return& = -1 when I has exceed the number of families.
- Return& =-2 when no families exist. There is some problem
building the list of families. Check paths to be sure that the conform to
- Return&=-3 General program failure. A common cause is that
the I argument should start with a value of 1, not 0.
Code example
NX&=FamiRead.GetFamInSeq (I%,FamName$,FamDesc$
if NX&<-1 then msgbox "error . . . "
I = I + 1
Loop until NX&=-1
Syntax: Return&
= [form!]FamiRead.GetFamsWithIssue
(Byval Sym As String) As String
Sym is a 1-5 letter ticker symbol of an issue.
This method removes all the families, whose members do not include Sym, from
the list of families delivered by the GetFamInSeq method. You
may use this method multiple times to narrow the list. To restore the full list, invoke
the RebuildIX method.
- Return& = 0 when the function is successful.
- Return& = -1 when the resulting list of families is empty (none contained
- Return& = -2 when Sym is not a valid symbol (for example, an empty
The Method does NOT change the Rebuild property. As such, your
program must eventually invoke the RebuildIX method or the list of families will continue
as reduced by this method. If the ReBuild property is set to true by certain subsequent
methods, then the reduced list will be lost.
Syntax: Return& = form! FamiRead.IsIssue (Byval Sym As String) As
Sym is 1-5 characters.
use this method to determine if Sym can be saved within as a member of a family. This
function is somewhat broader than the FTisFTIssue function available in the fasttrack.dll.
- Return& = True when Sym is a rate of return ( like
"10%"), a symbol in the FT database, or an existing FNU file name.
- Return& = False Sym is not one of the above.
Syntax: Return& form! FamiRead .NameValid (Byval FamName As String,
Optional FamDesc as String)
As String
FamName is a valid long-filename. If the family is to be used by FT4DOS, then
the name should be limited to a valid DOS name. However, no checking is done to ensure
name compatibility with DOS.
FamDesc is the family description. If the optional FamDesc is
included, then it is validated. The only check for validity is that the description may
not contain a comma character.
- Return& = True when the FamName is a valid FT family name.
- Return& = False when the FamName is invalid. or the FamDesc
contains a comma.
Syntax: Return& = [form!]FamiRead.ReadFam
(Byval FamName As String, FamMembers()
As String,
Optional FamDesc
As String, Optional
NumMems As Integer)
Reads a family returning an array of variable length strings, FamMembers(),
which are the symbols of the issues in the family. Strings are always trimmed (no blanks
on end) and capitalized.
- Return& = 0 when the function is successful.
- Return& = -1 when the family does not exist.
- Return& = -2 if the FamName exists, has no
members, or is otherwise corrupted.
The Optional arguments do not have to be used. If they are used, the values of
returned. NumMems is the number of members in the family. You could also get this
value by examining Ubound(FamMembers). FamMembers( )
is dimensioned from 1 to NumMems.
Syntax: Return& = [form!]FamiRead.ReadFamHeader
(Byval FamName As String, FamType
As String, FamDesc
As String, Optional FamMembers
As Integer)
This method requires the FamName argument and returns other parameters.
- Return& = 0 when the function is successful.
- Return& = -1 when the family does not exist.
- FamMembers% = when this parameter is passed with nonzero value, then the family
members will be read and counted in addition to the header and FamMembers will return the number of members in the family.
If FamMembers is passed as 0, then no members are read and FamMembers
remains zero in the return. Use this call to speed up family header
reading when the number of family members is unimportant.
Rebuild Property
Syntax: [form!]FamiRead.Rebuild[ = {True
| False} ]
When this property' value is true, it means that methods your program used in
the dll method (like creating a new family) which has made it necessary to rebuild the
list of families internal to the dll. This takes a few seconds so the rebuilding is not
triggered immediately. Your application program may test the value of the Rebuild property
and use the RebuildIX method to rebuild at an appropriate time. However, even if your
application never invokes RebuildIX, then REBUILDIX will automatically be run whenever
needed for other methods of the dll.
If your application changes family names, descriptions, deletes or creates new
families, then your application program should set REBUILD to true.
Syntax: Return&= [form!]
Rebuilds the internal index of families and descriptions inside FastTrack Family DLL.
Your program may use ReBuildIX, but should seldom have to do so. The one instance within
FastTrack Charting that uses ReBuildIX is when clicking the button on the Family Tab
to restore the full family tree after using the button to prune the family tree.
- Return& = 0 when the function is successful.
- Return& = -1 when the event fails. The only known cause of failure is that
the Environment Requirements are not met.
The Method sets the Rebuild property to False.
Syntax: Return&
= [form!]FamiRead.RenameFamily( Byval OldFamName
As String, Byval NewFamName
As String)
Renames an existing family. Only families in the
USERDEF folder may be
- Return& = 0 when the function is successful.
- Return& = -1 when the OldFamName does not exist.
- Return& = -1 when the OldFamName specifies a FastTrack-defined
family that the user cannot rename.
- Return& = -2 when the NewFamName already exists.
The Method sets the Rebuild property to True.
Syntax: Return&
= [form!]FamiRead.WriteaFamily(Byval FamName as String, FamMembers()
as String, FamDesc as String)
All fields are required. FamMembers( ) strings are trimmed of spaces and made
upper case before being saved in a family
- Return& = 0 when a family that previously did not exist has been written
- Return& = 1 when the method successfully overwrites an existing
- Return& = 2 when the method successfully makes a family with
corrupt or missing members.
- Return& = -1 when FamName specifies is invalid.
use the NameCheck method before attempting to WriteaFamily
- Return& = -4 when the FamName specifies a FastTrack-defined
family. You must use a different name.
The Method sets the Rebuild property to True when the FamName
specifies a family that does not exist or when the FamDesc of an existing family
has changed.
In a module, place
Global WithEvents FTFam As FamiRead (in declarations)
Set FTFam = New FamiRead (in the first method/subprocedure/function you call)
In the main Usercontrol or Form of your application, place
Public WithEvents FTFam As FamiRead (in declarations)
Set FTFam = New FamiRead (in the first method you call)
In any Usercontrol or Form of your application that needs family access, place
Public FTFam As FamiRead (in declarations)
Set FTFam = Parent.FamiRead (in the first method you call)
The Set FTFam above cannot be executed in a class or Usercontrol
procedure since the Parent will be unknown at that time.
The goal of the above, which may be accomplished with other forms of code, is to have
only a single instance of the FastTrack Family DLL loaded in a project. Loading multiple
occurrences is permissible, but there is substantial memory and CPU overhead in doing so
and the internal family lists may not stay in synchronization. This code creates the DLL
as an object in the Parent and uses that Parent's object in the Usercontrol.
The DLL doesn't execute a
DoEvents statement at any time, this means that
all methods complete their tasks without interruption. Your own code should not use
until all the processing in your own code as needed after the return of
a DLL call is complete.