FT4Web by Investors FastTrack

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Who is FastTrack

We are a small company located in Baton Rouge Louisiana founded by Paul and Shirley Charbonnet in 1989. We employ programmers, tech support personnel, operations management, data entry and collection experts, and a savvy, senior investor. FastTrack is an unincorporated business owned by its employees.

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.Mission Statement

We help individual investors and money managers avoid financial crisis. We provide transparency and integrity at the most basic level:

  • We provide the highest quality, dividend-adjusted mutual fund and stocks data. We are serious about data quality.

  • Provide charting, ranking, and analysis using simple trading systems to investors worldwide.

  • We are prepared to define the data we provide and explain it's usefulness to the investor.

  • Train and support users free. 

  • Listen to what the customers have to say.


Quality data and mature analysis tools for constructing well-diversified trading strategies that trade infrequently and do not unexpectedly lose money. Over the years, we have capitalized on unique investing insight afforded by that data. Our products must implement the best ideas of thousands of investors over 24 years.


  • Although we have thousands of users. There are many thousands more who need our flagship, software and data, FastTrack for the Web.

Disaster Preparedness

FastTrack is 100% on Amazon AWS East coast facilities with full backups on AWS's West coast facilities. We target 99.99% uptime and have done a stellar job at achieving this since 1988.

Paul Charbonnet,
Founding Partner

If you are ever unhappy with the quality of our services, I would like to hear from you personally at 866-295-0166

Investors FastTrack
14490 Tiger Bend Road
Baton Rouge LA 70817

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This page is service of Investors FastTrack®. Investors FastTrack is independent from The Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® Group, Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® Inc., iShares® is a registered trademark of Barclays Global Investors,N.A. Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® , and Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® Investments®including their advisers, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, annuities, and affiliates collectively known herein as Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® . The above are service marks of Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® ®. Check with Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® and your traditional sources of investment information before trading a Vanguard®, Fidelity®, Charles Schwab®, American® fund. Copyright ©2025 Investors FastTrack. All rights reserved.