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Chart Saving, Chart Loading, Chart Emailing

Updated 09/29/14

People do a Lot with Charts

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Saving a Chart

Chart saving saves every FastTrack for the Web setting that you currently see. Specifically,

  • The chart contents, colors, sizes, indicators, period, signals, trend lines , fonts,  and more.
  • Export settings including export definitions, family exported, options chosen.
  • Spreadsheet columns used.
  • Families loaded on the Chart Tab and Export Tab (but not the Internet or Spreadsheet Tab.
  • Printer settings including printer used, chart size, colors, and text displayed.
  • Signal and trade file names. 
  • Parameter files.

When a chart is saved and then restored, every aspect of the chart is restored .

chartdef1.gif (3940 bytes)Load and Save Options

  • Click on the Chart Tab.
  • Right-click in the chart itself.
  • Choose Save/Load and then choose Chart.
Selecting this menu option opens the standard Windows "open file" dialog box. Choose the CHARTDEF file you want to load/save chart  When the chart is reloaded, all the currently displayed issues, signals, time span, etc. will be replaced by those saved with the chart. The original chart size, fonts, indicators displayed, etc. will be set as they were saved. 

CHARTDEF  files may have any valid name. They may be saved anywhere, but we suggest


DO NOT store your charts in the CHARTDEF subdirectory itself since they will then be mixed with FastTrack-defined charts making it difficult to determine the origin of the saved file and to understand whether you can delete the file later. For commentary and other purposes, FastTrack will download CHARTDEF files with your regular daily data update. These WILL overwrite you own CHARTDEF files of the same name if you place your CHARTDEF files in the \CHARTDEF folder instead of the \CHARTDEF\USERDEF folder.

Chart Date Optionschartdef.gif (4286 bytes)

This options pops up after saving the chart definition. The choice governs the date range displayed when the previously saved chart is redisplayed. Type a single character into the input box and hit the <Enter> key.

  • E - The start date remains the same and the end date is set to the current end date of the database. The chart gets longer and longer.
  • S- The number of market days displayed remains constant. The end date is the last date in the database. The start date equals the end date minus the number of market days of the constant span.
  • F -Fixed: The start and end dates never change.

If you want to change an option, just load an existing CHARTDEF and the resave using a new option. The default option  value is S for a new CHARTDEF, and is whatever was previously set as the option when saving over an old CHARTDEF.

Why would you want to save your charts?

You may want to review the same view of an issue you hold in your portfolio every evening with exactly the same trend lines , colors, etc. Also, you might wish to print it every evening and you will find that the Chart definition includes the printing options you select.

Alternately, you may prefer to have a standard view for mutual funds in the GROWTH family,  a different view for stocks in the DJ-30 Family, and yet another view for bond funds in the BD-EMERGE family. A loaded CHARTDEF restores the family loaded, the indicators shown, time span, custom colors, etc.

Note: The original chart cannot always be restored when

  1. The family have been changed and has missing or new members.
  2. An issue has been removed from the database.
  3. The parameter set has changed. The parameter set named,"DEFAULT" is saved every time FT4Web shuts down. To avoid surprises, save the current parameters under  a name of your choice, then save the chart . . . the saved chart definition will contain the saved parameter name, not "DEFAULT"

Sending a Chart by EMail or including it in a Word Document

You can send a CDF file as discussed in saving and loading. However, the recipient must have FT4Web. Also you must also end separate parameter, FNU, and other files that will be needed, and the recipient of the email must have  must place this off of the files in the right FT folders.

A better bet is to send the actual Chart from FT. Here are the steps.

  1. Size the chart appropriately for an email. This can be done  manually resizing the FT4Web window, or by right-clicking the chart and selecting Appearance, then setting the Chart Size to Small or Normal.
  2. With your cursor resting on the chart, Hold down the <Alt> key and hit the <Print Screen> key. This places the chart image on the Window Clipboard.
  3. In your email, paste the clipboard chart into the email. Often you right-click and select "Paste" to accomplish this task. It depends on your EMail package. In the example below we use Outlook Express 2007 running under Windows XP.

Exactly the same technique is used with Microsoft Word. Right-click on your document and paste after doing Steps 1 and two above.