Load_Save_Family Dialog

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Load /Save Family Dialog

Updated 05/01/14

Four Easy Ways to Load a Family

  1. Use the Family Tree on the Family Tab.
  2. Right-click on the Issue List and select "Load Family". When the Family Loader appears, use the Family Tree
  3. (no illustration) Load a family using the hotkey "M".Put your mouse cursor in the chart and press M on your keyboard. Type in the family name like FIDELITY, then hit the <enter> key.
  4. On the Spreadsheet Tab, hold down the <ctrl>  key and press M on your keyboard. Type in the family name like FIDELITY, then hit the <enter> key.




famsaveload2.gif (15675 bytes)Saving Families

  1. Right-Click the issue list (or spreadsheet) and Save Family. This will save the family under the name at the top of the Issue List. As illustrated below the family will be named PAUL.
  2. Right-Click the Issue List and "Save as Family". This will open the Family Tree. Make up a NAME and DESCRIPTION, then click Save Fam. OR Expand the Family Tree and click the name of an existing personal family to overwrite it.FamSaveLoad1.gif (7381 bytes)