Chart Performance Value Abbreviations Mutual Fund Charting, Ranking, and Analysis ' ' ' ' ' '

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Chart Tab: Performance Value Abbreviations

Updated 03/11/14

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These values measure the performance of lines in the chart. The values are color-coordinated with the lines that they measure.

If there is no Solid Pole, the performance is between the Dashed Pole and the right end of the chart. If there is a Solid Pole then, performance is measured between the Dashed and Solid Pole. Throughout this help this period is referred to as "Between the poles"

Abbreviations found under the chart labels are Buy and Hold values for the whole period displayed regardless of  pole positions.

Usually the Solid Pole is to the left of the Dashed Pole. Reversing the poles will reverse the performance figures.



The total  return of the multi-color composite line of  an Adjusted Return chart. The performance is measured between poles or from the Dashed Pole to the rightmost date displayed . . . The Adj= values change color to reflect the position of the Dashed Pole. For example, if a red signal occurs and the Dashed Pole rests a few days following that signal then Adj= is red. 


The annualized rate of return for a line for the period on the screen. ANN= is color coordinated with the line whose return is being measured. Ann= is also used to label trend lines with the value reflecting the return slope of the line. 


The total return of a line  including reinvested distributions unaffected by timing or switching. Also called the Buy-and-Hold Return. BH= is color coded to match the line.


The return for the area "between poles", in simpler words, the gain or loss. If only the Dashed Pole is present, BP= reflects return from the Dashed Pole to the last day on the chart, color coordinated to match the line.

The first value after "BP=" is a percentage  change; the second value (in parentheses) is the per share value change adjusted for any distributions paid between the poles. Placing the Dashed Pole on the second to last day showing will show price change values that agree with the daily change listings in The Wall Street Journal except to the extent that current dividends have not been  included in the WSJ's

If the Chart Tab's right-click menu selection "Adjusted close" is checked, the BP= values show the distribution-adjusted price and distribution-adjusted asset value change. These values show with the way the chart's line is drawn, but won't agree with prices or changes you see in The Wall Street Journal for a particular day. Click for more on adjusted prices.


The Chart Definition (saved chart) currently open (if any). You can save a chart exactly as displayed and retrieve it later.


The number of Calendar Days "between poles".


The markets days to the left of the Dashed Pole.


The correlation of the green line compared to other lines displayed on the T Chart. When Cor= 1.0, then correlation is perfect. When Cor= -1.0, the correlation is perfectly opposite. When Cor= 0.0, then there is no correlation at all. A Cor= NA is FastTrack's way of signaling that the correlation calculation cannot be done. Reduce the Number of Days Length of the Correlation sampling parameter. 

Unlike SD (Standard Deviation, see below), Cor= can be stated with some accuracy with as few as 8 market days of  data.


The Current Price of the issue as of the date of the Dashed Pole. Color coordinated to match each  line. The value depends on the the adjusted/unadjusted setting of the Chart.


Displays the value of the lowest "yellow" indicator.


The value of the lower band of the Bollinger Bands chart. This is a predicted support level.


Moving Average:

For the P Chart,
These yellow and purple values are the yellow and purple moving average values.
See the P Chart discussion in Mathematical Computations for detail on how these values are computed.

For the B Chart (Bollinger Bands)
The yellow MA= is a moving average of the Red line. It also happens to fall exactly in the middle of the Purple and cyan band values. Continued price movement around and near the yellow MA is predicted.

For the R Chart (Relative Strength)
The Short Average line (light blue) is a short moving average of the yellow line. The Long Average line (purple) is a longer moving average of the yellow Relative Strength line. The length of the averages may be user set in the Parameters Dialog. Click for more math details. The moving averages are computed as per moving average documentation.


The maximum percentage gain for any of the color bars of the T Chart, whichever one has been the highest above the zero return line during the period charted.


The number of Market Days "between poles". 


The lowest percentage gain (or the most lost) for any of the color bars of the T Chart, whichever one has been the lowest below the zero return line during the period charted.


A portion of the total return produced by when switching with indicator signals:

  1. Mr= the compounded return of the green line when the green signal is in effect.

  2. In the 2 Chart, Mr= the compounded return of the 2MM line while the green signals are in effect. The MM ticker can be set by changing a parameter Switch to MM.  


The total return affected by the switches of the indicator.

  1. When the indicator has a BUY signal in place, then the return computed is for the red line. When a SELL is in effect, then the return tracked is the green line's return. The returns are compounded and dividend adjusted.

  2. In the 2 Chart, however, a SELL tracks the return of the 2MM  issue, not the green line's return.


The raw ratio between the Red and Green lines. It is associated with the cyan and purple moving averages in the performance values sub tab. The rel= and ma= with change according to pole position..


Relevant Standard Deviation: The RelSD is the ratio of the funds Standard Deviation (volatility measurement) to the DD of the relevant index. When RelSD is greater than 1.0 then the funds is more volatile than its Relevant Index. See the math help


A computation of risk: The percentage of days during which the indicator is in BUY condition. In FastTrack for DOS this calculation was done on a calendar basis. In FastTrack for the Web, the calculation is done on a market day basis. This accounts for small differences in the values between versions.


 Rr= is the expected  ( Risk-adjusted )  Return of the red line. RR='s value is return of the white line of the J or 2 Chart. The Rr=  value depends on Standard Risk and Low Risk parameter settings and  the returns for the whole period charted.


The SIGnal set currently loaded (if any).


The Standard Deviation of an issue, SD=, is color coordinated with the line it describes. SD= is a measurement of volatility. SD is reported on the Chart Tab's Chart Label and on the Spreadsheet Tab. The following discussion is for the Chart Label.

FastTrack Standard Deviation is measured monthly. For example, when you see SD = 4.0%, this means that most of the time (about 2 out of 3 months) the red line varies (+ or -) about 4.0% in a month. The J and 2 Charts display a multi-colored composite line whose Chart Label SD= is shown in yellow (not multi-colored).

SD varies over time. The FT SD is calculated day by day, but adjusted to a monthly basis. Thus, it is possible to display SD values for periods as short as of 15 market days.

Click for a more detailed mathematical discussion of SD.

The calculation starts with the first day that the red line is displayed and continues to the end of the chart. SD's for all lines are calculated for this same "red line" period. If the data does not go as far back as the red line, then SD=0.00 (i.e. n/a). For the Chart Label SD=, the position of the poles has nothing to do with the SD= value.

 Note: SD on the spreadsheet tab is computed between the poles (i.e. not the chart width)

Simple use of SD

If you buy a fund that has a SD of 7.0%, then it goes down 6% the next month, and the loss panics you into selling . . . then your investing strategy has failed you. A 6% move is perfectly typical of a fund with SD=7.0 . . . you bought a fund that is too risky for you.


The number of BUY signals/year annualized for the period of the chart.


A portion of the total return produced by switching based on indicator signals. Specifically:

The total return of the red line during the period that a BUY signal is in effect. Does not include any return from 2MM (2 chart) or the green line (J Chart). Returns reflect dividend reinvestment when the dividend occurs while the issue is being held. 

To visualize exactly what Tr= is measuring. Using the J Chart, make the green line 0%. In this case, Tr=44.60% which  is exactly the same as Adj= and is easy to understand. Each BUY starts with exactly the same amount of money as was held at the prior SELL (Zero gain/loss during the SELL). 

With other issues as the green line, Tr= remains 44.60%. However, the amount invested on a BUY is almost always NOT the same as on the prior SELL due to the action of the green line. .


The trend lineSet that is currently open (if any). trend lines can be saved and then loaded. This means a trend linemay be applied to any issue, not just the one for which it was created.


The value of the upper band of the Bollinger Bands chart. This is the predicted resistance level.


The number of years "between poles".